home > Disneyland Paris Resort > Pictures > Tuesday, October 6, 2015 - Page 37 of 38 - << previous page : next page >>
We arrived in New York at sunset.
We arrived in New York at sunset. Click to switch to large image view
After a long wait for our bags, quick trip through customs and brisk walk through JFK we arrived at our LAX flight with boarding well underway and less than half an hour till departure.
After a long wait for our bags, quick trip through customs and brisk walk through JFK we arrived at our LAX flight with boarding well underway and less than half an hour till departure. Click to switch to large image view
This was an older 767 and the worst plane and seat of the entire trip.  Delta One service from JFK to LAX was not impressive compared to Air France Business or even the 757 we had from LAX to JFK on the way out.
This was an older 767 and the worst plane and seat of the entire trip. Delta One service from JFK to LAX was not impressive compared to Air France Business or even the 757 we had from LAX to JFK on the way out. Click to switch to large image view
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